About us
We exist...
We are a community of God’s people, graciously chosen by God, to declare the goodness of God, through our words and works. We are God’s people not because He saw any goodness or righteousness in us, but because of His grace. This grace, extended to us because of His Son, Jesus Christ, compels us to turn to Him in wonder, awe, and humility. We turn to God and remember Him as a church community, every Sunday morning, by singing songs of adoration, praying in faith, confessing our brokenness, listening to the word in submission, and celebrating the Supper. We do all these, as people of hope, eagerly waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Until then, we strive to live our lives worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ, "with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love," loving the unity God has created, and encouraging one another to obey all that Jesus has commanded. We obey His commands because He has given us a new heart and in Him, we have a new identity - His dearly loved children. We obey because His steadfast love compels us, not fear, guilt, or any personal gain. This steadfast love, we believe, will keep us till Jesus returns to take us to be with Him.
We are a community of God’s people, chosen by God, living for the glory of God.
Want to know more?
The most important things to know about us are who we are and what we believe in. You can read more about it by clicking below.